Friday, January 6, 2017

An Overview of Fear

Don't run from danger, run to safety”

In contrast to every other creature in nature, our development has taught us not to explore and often even ignore our instinctive survival skills (what we call your Warrior Spirit.) Just as some things must be seen to be believed, so to must some be believed to be seen. Even if you do not register danger directly, your intuition can sense it, triggering that feeling of fear to warn you.

Once you learn how to trust in your instincts and you have a reliable, effective solution then fear is an asset. If you know what you need to do, fear just makes you do it faster. On the other hand, if you don't know what to do or don’t trust what you know then you will freeze in terror. This happens because you have no clear goal or way to get there. Being prepared for a conflict that never happens is a thousand times better than ending up in a violent situation and not knowing what to do.

Under all situations fear must be managed and the first step in getting it under control is understanding the difference between sensing real danger and paranoia. You cannot walk through life in fear of a bad situation but you can walk through life being mindful that they exist. For instance, it is not being paranoid if your senses go on alert in a dimly lit parking garage at night. It is those people that are oblivious to this situation that end up walking right into an attacker’s net.

Regardless of the type of situations you may encounter as explained in this series, your primary focus must be on listening to and managing your fear thereby staying in control. And, even if you begin to lose control of the situation, you must maintain your self-control for this training to be effective. You cannot escape or even plan a rational escape if you are panic stricken.  You will not be able to comprehend or understand the difference between running in circles and a strategic withdrawal.

Remember also that predatory people can intuitively sniff out those they can overpower 
psychologically or physically. The way you carry yourself, everything from poor posture to your level of alertness, averting your eyes, etc. can project a weak and fearful target. Also always being diligent in knowing your surroundings and alert to danger signs in each situation is equally important.

Carrying yourself with confidence and maintaining your composure means not only that you can act rationally but you will be a more difficult target. Criminals feed on fear, it is their best mechanism to getting what they want. The best way to stay your nerves and keep in control in a dangerous situation is to have already mentally prepared for it. Know what limits you are willing to go to, what you are willing to give up from valuables to physical assault to death. Once you set those limits you must go through each situation knowing where that line is and be prepared once you reach it to follow through with your plan of action.

Your objective should never be to stay and fight, only to get away. If that requires you to use some of the material you learn during these sessions, remember that they are only designed to give you an out. Manage your fear and anxiety, plan your route, do what you have to do break free and run to a safe place. 

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